Do We Recognize God Moments

My Monday morning started with getting a notice about my x-ray and ultrasound results that reported I had a hernia, which only 2% of women get, and assorted other information about the degeneration of discs and bone. I discovered hernias don’t go away and tend to worsen.

My husband then came up to my office with a huge frown on his face. I thought someone had died. After speaking with his doctor’s office, he was informed that he needed to undergo a CAT scan due to a finding in his recent test. He has been cancer free for the last 20 months after a painful treatment for bladder cancer. After sharing many hugs we went about next steps. The Lord was certainly with us as he got an appointment for the test and I got an appointment with a specialist within two days.

Before this health news, I had just read my daily devotional from Our Daily Bread Ministries about a woman walking with her husband on vacation when he suddenly felt faint. Local physicians, including specialists at a major hospital, detected no medical issues. She questioned her doctor about the next steps. He gave her words of wisdom that forever changed her outlook: “Go live your life.”

The verse for the devotion and her prayer is below.

Do Not Worry

“Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can anyone of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Matthew 6: 25-27

If I’m feeling worried today, dear Jesus, please grant me confidence to give my fear to You as I live out Your peace.

How does this happen? Those words I needed to hear that day, and they arrived at just the right time. A friend of mine called them God moments. I’ve started a God moment list to remind myself not to worry in the future and recall we are in God’s hands.

I mentioned a God moment in my recent newsletter. While on vacation, I was in pain (now I know from the hernia) and went to the hotel’s sundry store to find some medicine. A woman walked in and I asked her about some tablets that I wasn’t familiar with. She said she was a doctor, and I needed ibuprofen, which the store didn’t have. Running out to her car, she returned to give me some, which helped immensely. Her short visit was only to ask a quick question. She was not a guest, but a doctor who came in at the exact time I was there to give me medicine. It was a God moment I won’t forget.

Sometimes, we face our challenges without first bringing our concerns to God. We can lay them at his feet and trust that he will help us.

I also started making a gratitude list that included living with all the technology to detect diseases/injuries, get an appointment relatively quickly, and have doctors and medicine to navigate the journey. As we age, things happen, but we are alive.

I will remember these stories as my husband and I take the next steps in healing.

Has a God moment helped you just when you needed it? Please share if you have one.

I pray we may thank God for our blessings, present our concerns to Him, and, as the devotion called us, that He will grant us the “confidence to give my fear to You as I live out Your peace.”


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    The Conversation

  1. Melissa Henderson says:

    Amen. Rest in His presence and His peace. Have a blessed week! 🙂

    • Hi Melissa, Thank you for your kind remarks and support.
      We have good news, Roger’s next test came out good and so we need to be
      vigilant with more tests going forward but we are hopeful in His peace.
      I’m getting PT and that is helping enormously.
      Be well!