One Body But Many Parts


“We are surrounded by a great cloud of witness
whose lives tell us what faith means.
So let us run the race before us and never give up.”   Hebrews 12:1 NCV

Returning from the Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writer’s Conference, I remembered this Bible verse from Hebrews. The terrific preparation from the conference directors, Edie Melson and Edwina Perkins, was invaluable for a first timer. Excited to attend, I prepared my one sheet for my biblical novel, created both new business cards and my brand-new website, developed by Katrina Glover, webmaster extraordinaire.

I arrived though with sad news received on the plane that a dear friend of mine who bravely fought her cancer passed that morning. She was only 46 years old, leaving a 16-year-old son behind. I cried on the plane, feeling her absence and her love of life. It was a challenge to be totally present. The beautiful setting and the amazing gathering of this great cloud of witness offered me what faith means.

In my corporate experience, I loved to work with teams. It took time, though, to learn and earn trust. At the writing conferences I’ve attended, there is a readymade understanding of the passion and reason one continues on this path despite the ups and downs.

The genuine support of one another is astounding. Some wrote novels, some articles, devotionals, audio stories and some just starting out. There were terrific agents we could pitch our writing and amazing inspirational speakers. All possessed different unique talents. My grieving mind took heart for the cloud of witnesses in spreading faith through various media.

A gift came from a text from Lucinda Seacrest McDowell, who is co-director of the ReNew, retreat for New England and Writing and Speaking, telling me to connect with two other ReNew attendees.

Maureen, Lisa, and Kirsten sending a hello to Lucinda for introducing us.

I was running to a session, got lost in the layout of this impressive setting, saw no one around when I literally ran into Maureen, one woman I was to meet. Coincidence? Or Providence?

The morning of my pitch, I was excited and a little nervous. I just wanted to express myself well after working on this novel for 3.5 years. I debated whether to go to breakfast of just keep practicing, but I went. Sitting at a table of all strangers. I blurted out that I was doing my pitch, and the table said OK, go ahead… and they listened to me and gave such great feedback with genuine care rooting me on.

There was an opportunity to dress in costume to represent something of your writing and then walk across stage in front of 600 people to explain it. Imagine being an “eagle” or a “sandwich story board”?

My new friend Tawnya and I bolstered each other’s confidence as we strode into the dining room dressed as characters from our “stories”. What are friends for? Or are they really angels in disguise who have appeared out of nowhere to help you through a difficult or trying times?

The five days I spent at the conference guided me through an aching heart of grief. And then bolstered my confidence in not only pursuing my goal of publishing my novel but also firing up my dreams of mentoring others in their path to connecting with others and spreading “Seeds of Faith.”

Where are you finding nourishment for your dreams? What does your cloud of witness look like?         

Let me know what you think.

    The Conversation

  1. Linda Goldfarb says:

    Lisa, such a touching post. Thank you.
    I feel the same about the BRMCRC. Such a cloud of witnesses, sharing their passions, all the while caring for one another.
    I’m so sorry for the loss of your friend, and this time of suffering for her son. I’m praying for God’s family to come alongside him as he grieves and grows.
    May YHWH bless your “seeding” efforts as you share your faith one word at a time, to His glory.

    • Lisa Larsen Hill says:

      Thank you for your caring words. It was a gift to be at BRMCRC when this tragedy had happened for all that was shared. Your wonderful inspiration every day was part of it. Blessings and joy to you.

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