How Dreams Come True, A Writer’s Journey
The Inspiration
Tessa Afshar, award winning author and keynote speaker for my Seeds of Faith Annual Meeting* responded to my telling and thoughts about a terrific Old Testament story.
“You have to write this,” She said.
I blinked. Me? Write a book? “No, you are the writer, please will you do it?”
I’d only discovered Biblical fiction a year earlier. When I read Tessa’s book, Pearl in the Sand. It changed the direction of my life. Inspired by the depth of research, the believable personalities, the description of living in Biblical times, I started my non-profit Seeds of Faith for Women. I had it in my heart to invite an author as a reader/discussion reward. I was fortunate to have Tessa for the first and second annual meeting.
The Beginning
I prayed about it and felt led to pursue. I discovered Tessa was speaking at the reNEW Spiritual Retreat for Writers and Speakers, and attended. * Little did I know that the strangers I met would become incredible mentors and dear friends. Surrounded by a joyous Cloud of Witnesses, I experienced writers at all different levels, sharing a common passion and purpose. I’ve heard writers say, ‘I found my people,’ and felt at home here. It was at this retreat, I confirmed to write the story.

Just a snapshot of the many books.
The Writer’s Journey, Learning the Craft
My novel, based on five verses in the Old Testament, required a ton of research. A dedicated shelf holds books covering Biblical times of food, dress, maps, mores, practices for funerals, and a terrific collection on writing. Each morning, I’d say, “I get to do this.” I wrote it during Covid, an ideal time being sequestered, which also enabled me to attend several online writing conferences with amazing authors.

Me & Tessa Afshar
I signed up for mentoring sessions with published authors and was thrilled to get an appointment with Tessa. After a brief review, she asked how many POV’s (points of view) I had. I happily responded thirteen. Tessa in her lovely way responded, “Oh Lisa, no honey, you can have two or three.” What? I felt a blow to my being. All this work, the hours spent on finding just the right words, phrasing. It required a major rewrite and deleting terrific scenes, or so I thought. Once I picked myself up, I dove into it, deciding on which main characters would tell the story. Many more lessons created more rewrites.
“There is no such thing as good writing, only good rewriting.” ~ Robert Graves
“I rewrote the ending of ‘Farewell to Arms’ 39 times before I was satisfied.” ~ Ernest Hemingway
Defeated, yes, but it’s about believing in your story and the humbleness, passion of continual learnings.

Desiree Future, me, Kathy O’Malley, and Stephanie Goddard
When Covid finally lifted I attended I attended the BWCWC (Blue Ridge Christian Mountain Writers Conference) * set on a mountain with gorgeous views. This is where I pitched my story to three agents. Incredibly, all three asked for a proposal. Wow, God, maybe you want this to happen. I left the result in His hands.
The Gift of a Critique Group For a writer, a critique group is an incredible outlet to gain insight and ideas that address your blind spots. Finding a critique group is key. I found mine through ACFW. (American Christian Fiction Writers) I’m so thankful to Desiree, Stephanie, and Kathy for their invaluable contributions! They’ve made me a better writer. It’s not just about the writing, it’s also about their encouragement and friendship.
Preparing for the Interview
I hadn’t been this nervous in years. I read all my class notes, reviewed on-line training suggestions, and wrote out prepared answers. Then rehearsed and rehearsed. After working eight hours a day, six days a week on the book, I didn’t want to blow the interview. Shooting up a prayer, I used one of my favorite verses I say before doing any public speaking.
Do not worry about what you shall say or how you shall speak. For what you are to say will be given to you in that hour. For it is not you who speak but the spirit of God speaking through you. Mathew 10:19
Words will be given to you.
I envisioned the incredible people from conferences, my amazing critique group, dear friends, and family, especially my husband. I felt a quieting in my body and a thought as they stood with me cheering me on.
Now my proposal is in the hands of four Editors/Publishers. It may take 2-4 months to hear from them.
In the meantime, I’m working on my social media. An important part of the writer’s journey, which I’ll share with you at another time.
My story here isn’t complete. But no matter what happens, I feel it’s been the most rewarding adventure I’ve undertaken. The dream blossomed in unexpected ways. Yes, publishing is the goal, but what I gained on my writer’s journey is priceless.
Preparing for any new thing requires learning, being receptive to guidance, and dedication. The most important thing I learned was to keep going. Maybe you need a break to give yourself time, but don’t give up on your passion. Find a way to be refreshed, enriched, and supported. While you’re on your journey pause to embrace it, the ups, downs, and steady days. God will lead you though, nudging you forward. Even with great odds, resources, people, stamina will come to you opening a path through your thickest forest.
What do you do to hold on to your dreams and make them come true?