What Biblical verses and Dr. Seuss advice would you choose for a high school graduate?

I’m crossing the country to attend my niece’s High School graduation. As I mentioned it to friends, they recalled their big day, some with fond memories some not so. Parents who attended, and those who didn’t. Parties invited to, and those that weren’t. Those looking forward to an Ivy league experience and those who wouldn’t. Those going onto work and those going to college.

Due to financial limitations, I attended a state university while putting myself through school. My friends were attending Ivy leagues, Georgetown, Lehigh, Smith, Bryn Mawr, etc… Attending a graduation party, we ended up around a piano with someone playing tunes. A guy I didn’t know well asked where everyone was going. I remember my best friend didn’t mention she was attending a community college. It came my turn, and I said, “Oswego.” and the guy pretended to sneeze, “Os—weeee—go!” and then laughed. My face went bright red and someone lightly punched him on the arm. The music started playing again.

I hadn’t thought about it in years. Did it hurt when it happened? Yes. Did it ruin my life? Not at all. (If you read my last blog, you know I left Oswego to do two semesters abroad and then ended up at San Francisco State University. Oh the places you will go).

Now I approach Leah’s graduation. How do we prepare our loved ones for this ending and a new beginning? Do you remember how you felt? Sad to say goodbye to friends, making promises to stay in touch (no cell phones then)? Happy to be leaving and hoping for a fresh start? Anxious or excited about being on your own without parents?

Whatever you were feeling, what would you say to yourself now with years passed? What lessons can we share with a new class of graduates?

These Bible quotes have relevance for both past and present for all of us.

Despite valleys, loneliness, broken promises, and tragedies, we have discovered we are not alone. We’ve learned that we can get up, that there is always a light that God provides. He will stand beside us, guide us through our lives, our relationships, a new job, meeting someone by ‘coincidence’, and more…

For all things are possible with God. Matthew 19:26

Trust your future is in God’s hands.

Our 2nd Timothy quote is about power, love and a sound mind. We are armed with God’s words to be brave. Each person has the power of their own talents. Of whom shall we fear? How much time is spent on worrying? I raise my hand and for why? We know our Lord is with us and has empowered us. Let us approach each day with  faith and trust in these words.

We possess the ability to experience love and to give love. Every morning I wake repeating I Cor 13, hoping by osmosis I will be all these things. It is a pleasant reminder when confronted with the opposite emotion.

Love is patient and kind. It is not jealous or boastful. It is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way. It is not irritable or resentful. Love does not rejoice in the wrong but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. 1 Corinthians 4-8a

From our 2nd Timothy quote we are reminded of the gift of a sound mind. Starting fresh in a new place can be overwhelming. Where do we find peace? How do we figure it out? We’ve been here before and we know finding a quiet place to listen to the still small voice will gain us peace of mind. God is always there waiting for us to return.

It still rings true to find something you love, whether it’s your studies, or work, or finding a purpose in retirement. When we live from our heart, we never see it as work.

As for the future, I end with verses that I hold dear.

For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

What Biblical verses and Dr. Seuss advice would you choose for a high school graduate? Be sure to share in the comments.

    The Conversation

  1. Desiree Future says:

    Lovely. Simply love. This is such an awesome site.

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