Recognizing God’s Voice: A Personal Encounter in Unexpected Places

Have you ever wondered how God speaks to us? I often feel God’s presence in a forest, by the sea, or at sunset. Nature is the demonstration of His creativity. I also feel His presence in daily devotionals or someone who comes into my life, especially when reading or when that someone offers just the guidance needed. Well, now I experienced another way.

I was at a doctor’s appointment waiting to be seen, and the song “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” echoed through the air. The words were particularly clear. I listened to the other verses besides the chorus. I was feeling down. And why? Some of you know that I became president of a nonprofit in January. I’ve been working tirelessly on various projects, with the biggest one being the annual event that took place last week. And it went GREAT!

But what was I feeling? I was down, lacking sleep from the long days was a part of it. But I fixated on a single critique instead of celebrating the multitude of gifts bestowed by God.

In every life, we have some trouble.
But when you worry, you make it double.

Suddenly, I heard God singing this to me…and I laughed and had tears in my eyes.

He even offered his phone number…

Hey, I’ll give you my phone number, when you worry, call me, I’ll make you happy.

Cause when you worry, your face will frown.
And that will bring everybody down.

And it was so true. My husband, who has been wonderfully patient over all the months I spent preparing, wondered why I wasn’t happy with the terrific conference outcome. I had two speeches and asked for the words to be in my mouth, and God provided them. I had two amazing people volunteer for the board. One said, “Put me to work,” and the other offered to be an associate board member for fundraising. The organization’s founder was delighted with where his vision was heading. So many other blessings transpired. But I didn’t hear any of these things in my heart.

God sent all these great messages through the people around me, yet I was in my head. Why do we do this to ourselves? Hearing this song felt like a ‘laying on of hands’ healing. I felt so different in my heart after hearing this message.

The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way, no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us.

1 Corinthians 2: 11-13.

How do we know it is God’s voice? I believe God talks to us all the time through people we meet, nature, songs, and what we expose ourselves to. I’ve decided to write down how often God’s spirit speaks to me. I believe I’ll be amazed and become more aware of God’s spirit speaking to me. It has been there before, I just needed to accept it. How do you hear God’s voice speaking to you?

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing so that by the power of the Holy Spirit, you may abound in hope. Romans 15:13

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    The Conversation

  1. Catherine Vlasto says:

    Thank you for this great encouragement! What we focus on will grow, so it is an importance practice to develop to see what is good, to hear, but mostly to feel it in our hearts. I hear God’s voice through His word, through a devotional and through my daily practice of reaching out to friends via text each morning, it has been amazing to see how friends have responded as I share a prayer, a word of encouragement.

    • Hello Catherine, Thanks so much for stopping in and sharing your thoughts. What a beautiful way to start your friends’ mornings!
      And yes so true about what we focus on, especially now when there is much friction. Bringing the good into our hearts helps us to be the light in someone’s life. Blessings.

  2. Catherine Vlasto says:

    What you focus on will grow! Thank you for your words! I find that is is a daily practice to seek, hear and truly believe what God says about me!

  3. Rachel Britton says:

    Lisa, love your post – that God was singing to you. And congratulations on the event. I hope you are taking a well earned rest.

    And what a coincidence… I’m starting a new series on my blog looking at all the times God speaks to people in the Bible. I’m starting with Adam and Eve in Genesis and I’m so excited about what I’m discovering.

    Let me know if and when you’re coming into the city!!

  4. Sheila Fontana says:

    Good Morning! That is a great song. “Don’t worry, be happy” I am reminded of a sermon our pastor at the United Methodist Church in Westbury, NY delivered 35 years ago. Pastor Guise was talking about worry. He was referencing Matthew 6:28-33, the lilies of the field. He said, “Worry is interest paid on a debt you do not have.” It made such an impression on me! I share this teaching with people very often and it is always well received. How I would love for Pastor Guise to know he helped me that Sunday morning.

    • Hi Shelia,
      Thanks for sharing this wonderful wisdom from Pastor Guise and planted his sermon to many others.
      What a gift that is and a reminder to tell people how much they mean to us, which you have by sharing.