Faithful Living in a Divided World

Thank you for supporting me on my writer’s journey! I haven’t mentioned my Biblical fiction book, Daughters of the Desert, in some time, but I am still working on it with exciting developments. Another aspect of being an aspiring author is that publishers require a social media platform to develop a readership.

And oh my, what are we saying to one another on these venues? Has the world ever been like this, where we implode on one another with vitriol, angry comments, and false accusations? People post their daily struggles with loved ones who see things differently than they do. Are you facing this, too?

No matter our current situation, I offer words to consider during this Lenten season when facing challenges. We can ponder how one lives today with love for our neighbor.

It is not easy right now to see our way through all the anger. It is hard to know what is fact and what isn’t. But turning on one another is not advancing anyone. So, let us think through how to use our faith as our compass.

One of my writer friends wrote an invitation on her FB page to talk to those with different viewpoints. She did this in a respectful, faith-based lens and asked if responses would also be kind. The thoughtful and courteous responses amazed me. We may not agree, but we’ve learned something from the respectful exchange.

“Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” – Nelson Mandela.

One of the real gifts my mother taught me was how to get up from defeat. She did this not in words but in her actions. So many things happened to her at an early age that shouldn’t have happened to a child. Yet she loved God and was rooted in her faith. She not only got up from defeat, but she rose and embraced life. It is a lesson that has been at the heart of my life, and it makes me realize we should teach this to the next generation.

Have you ever faced a task that you thought would never happen, and then you start it, and it gradually becomes a reality? I started my book during Covid and enjoyed doing the research and laying out the story line. As I went along, I discovered through classes that I had to rewrite many of my chapters because I had too many points of view (who is telling the story) and many other mistakes.

I think I’ve written parts of this book at least 30 times. And now, it’s the 31st. I just had a fantastic editor review my story, and oh, it hurts, but she was right about all her edits. So, my journey continues as I delve back into my story. That I’ve come this far is another major step forward, and I’ve left the timing for publication in God’s hands.

Whatever you are facing, take one step and be at peace that you showed up and are striving to get there. It helped me to meet other writers who supported and encouraged me. Who can you talk things out with? And of course, there is the one who will always listen and support you.

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8

The other part of writing a book is developing a digital platform: an author website, social media, newsletters, blogs, and speaking engagements. I’m glad I didn’t know about these requirements when I started. It was overwhelming, but slowly, bit by bit, it came together. Verses like the one from Isaiah reminded me to bring my enthusiasm to what lies ahead.

This is my 66th blog and I’ve had five guest bloggers. I’ve lost some readers and gained some, but I had a great mentor in Edie Melson. She started her lessons with, “Know your why. Why are you creating a platform? What is it that God has put on your heart to share?” That has been my guiding principle in motivating me.

How do you navigate faith challenges? Please share your thoughts on this. Are there verses that help you? I hope some of these verses resonated with you during your Lenten reflection time.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. I appreciate your support in continuing to read and your comments of encouragement.

May each of us be guided to find a path to live with justice, love, faith, and hope.

In honor of St. Patrick next week, “May the road rise with you, may the wind be at your back and may the Lord hold you ever in the hollow of his hand.” Amen.

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    The Conversation

  1. Jennifer Dembowski says:

    Thank you so much for this blog and for the scripture 1Peter 3:8-9!
    I look forward to reading your book when it is published!

    • Hi Jennifer, Thanks your for your dropping in and your kind remarks!
      It is a challenging time for all of us and as Christians we need to remember our commandment
      to love one another.Thank you for your support, it is much appreciated!
      Sorry I didn’t respond sooner.
      I was visiting family and tried to stay present.