Listening to God’s Message

It isn’t a coincidence that this morning’s devotion was the Luke story of Mary and Martha. My to-do list seemed enormous. My new role as president of a nonprofit that would start in five weeks was keeping me busy. It left little time to help with Christmas preparation. So, while my husband, Roger, finished cooking breakfast (I know how fortunate he loves to cook), I thought I’d get the Christmas plates out from the top shelf in our kitchen about a couple of feet from the stove.

When we sat down, I noticed a grumpy husband, but he said nothing. We then began our daily practice of Roger reading the Bible and me the devotion. But today’s Bible version was from the RTH version (his initials).

In the part where Jesus says, “Martha Martha,”Roger said, “Lisa Lisa, you care about many things, but getting the plates and blocking the toaster, while I’m making breakfast is not one of them.” We both laughed, and I apologized.

Later that morning, I realized it was a much larger message for me to take in. Isn’t God like that? He knows how to get our attention.

So many details of the nonprofit swirled around my mind, waking me early in the morning. But God wanted me to hear him in a creative message. I envisioned Jesus in the scene from The Chosen, where he calls Peter and repeatedly asks him to cast his net. When the fish almost capsizes the boat, Jesus tries to hide his smile and gentle laughter about Peter’s stubbornness and the miracle that took place.

What I heard was, “Lisa, stop. Every member of your team is a volunteer. It would be best if you took it slow. You are used to working with full-time employees, but this isn’t that. Pay attention to your actions and how it affects your team.”

Do we hear God talking to us about our business in December? There is so much to do…balancing work, family, bills, shopping, baking, Christmas card writing, choir practice, decorating, and present wrapping, making everything perfect for everybody.  And the list goes on. It is a busy time for all.

What does God desire from us daily? Especially during this month, Jesus’ birthday. From Earth Psalms, Reflections on how God speaks through nature, by Francine Rivers she emphasizes how Jesus is the culmination of all the traits in Philippians 4:8.

When we read the Philippian verses substituting Jesus’ name, we see he is the culmination of all these and asks us to follow him in this endeavor.

I started a habit of choosing a word for the year, and 2023 is Listen. Somehow, my chosen word becomes a light on my path each year. I share these with you, hoping they bring light to your path. Let us all slow down, and listen to God’s message so you are prepared to celebrate His birth!

Do not merely listen to the word and deceive yourselves. Do what it says. James 1:22-25.

Whatever you have learned, received, heard from, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:9.

In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice;
In the morning, I lay my requests before you.
And wait expectantly. Psalm 5:3

    The Conversation

  1. Sheila Fontana says:

    My word for 2024 is surely “recognition”. In August, my “partner” of almost 20 years and I got married, and our whole relationship to each other changed. The struggle and insecurity turned instantly to a peaceful, hopeful and loving commitment to each other. This transformation which God has worked within us is supported by the recognition of people who so generously and sincerely shared their happiness for us. This realization is inspiring me to recognize all those whose paths cross mine. Shalom

  2. Sue Ranbarger says:

    Thank you for your husband’s reminder to each of us (Marthas) and your reminder that our attitude/stress affects our volunteers & our families.

    • Sue, Thanks for commenting, what was so nice is that it came to looking at myself in a mirror and having to laugh about it…Sometimes we need this. Yes it does make a difference. I’m hoping you are finding the Mary in you too.

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